Gay flag facebook filter

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So this is the real Story Behind FB Rainbow DPs! It's the trend yo! More here - pic.twitter. Each of the eight colors had a meaning: Pink: Sex. A few were even seen posting photos with their partners with captions like 'You have made my life beautiful and colourful'. Following Friday’s Supreme Court decision, over 26 million people on Facebook used the social media site’s Pride filter to create a rainbow filtered version of their profile picture to. Three years later, Milk challenges Baker to create a symbol for the gay community, and the end product is the first rainbow LGBTQ flag. On Monday, HRC replaced its Facebook profile photo and the campaigns regular logoa yellow. Meanwhile, it has to be noted that there were many who changed their profile picture using the 'Celebrate Pride' tool, thinking rainbow filters are the new trend on social media. The gay-rights activism group the Human Rights Campaign turned social-media world red this week.

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To another netizen's statement, 'If this is the case, you can also start supporting the prostitutes,' the MLA strongly responded that he supports them as well.Īm i also supposed to rainbow-fy my profile picture? India is no where near to support LGBT rights. 'Are you not ashamed to support something, which is against the laws of nature?' asked a social media user. However, he was attacked by many after posting his rainbow filter photo with the caption 'I support LGBT rights'. MLA VT Balram from Kerala was among the few people who expressed their solidarity on legalisation of gay marriages in the US.

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